NSCC Videos
With the advent of the pandemic and related restrictions, the National Shelley China Club (NSCC) has had to make numerous adaptations. In this particular instance, this otherwise dark cloud does indeed have a silver lining. The use of Zoom and other streaming technologies has enabled both the greeting of old friends and the creation of new ones. Distance and to a lesser extent time matter no longer, and we are able to share thoughts and collections as never before.
It remains a tribute to Shelleys that their products and genius are able to draw admirers from across the world some fifty plus years after the firm closed its doors.
We intend to hold periodic zoom conferences in the future and this page will be your source for future releases.
Poppy: the Newly Discovered Shape
On April 25, 2021 long time club member Dan Wilson shared his journey of discovery leading the the long lost Poppy shape. As an added bonus, he also shared his collection with us.
NSCC Informational Videos
Mabel Lucie Attwell - The Shelley Story
Wileman and Shelley Toby Jugs
Helping Tourists Remember: Souvenir Wear
Wileman Albert Shape
Wileman and Shelley Hunting Scenes
Old Bow China
Favorite Teapots - Yours and Mine
Wileman and Shelley Intarsio
We have learned that Wileman's Urbato pottery was made in two series, designated by pattern numbers in the 1000 range and another in the 4000 range. The earlier range utilized the Sgraffito technique whereas the later range in the 4000's did not. The slide in the Sgraffito presentation which shows photos of Wileman's Urbato pottery is mistakenly from the 4000 range. In its stead, the following slide should appear.